Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just so there is a post for February

It's March first. And the summer's begun.

There's always an exact day when I realise that it's summer again. This time it was on Friday, 27th Feb, as Osh and I passed Nilgiris on Brigade Road. The smell of mangoes wafted gently up my nostrils, even as I was elbowed in the stomach by a portly man on a cell phone. And it was then that I knew.

I cant do anything when it's this hot. It always takes some getting used to. But the summer is always exciting. I look forward to this one. :)


Unknown said...

It isn't summer for me yet. Strange. I've been to Mangalore where its like a sauna and I've sweated like dogs don't and it's still not summer. must be because the smell of mangoes hasn't found my nose yet. Yes, mangoes are essential for that summery feeling. The trees in our house have blossomed late, the silly things. And I haven't stopped to smell them. silly me. I'm still stuck in, "This winter is bloody damned hot!"

MM said...

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's too hoooooooooooooot. I can't moooooove. My eyes buuuuuuuuuurn.

Unknown said...

you're feeling hot now?? see it isn't summer for me yet cause im not feeling hot now. bangalore's got such wonderful weather today compared to where i've been..

MM said...

And the mosquitos! The mosquitos, my advertising final submission and the heat are all together making me extremely irritable at the moment.

Mangalore must have been fun goose. And some nice photos you got out of it.

Veeereh funky that reflection of you in the shades! :D

Now, excuse me while I go slap someone.

Unknown said...

:D at this time in the night? im falling asleep...

Rookie said...

For someone who's spent 18 years of his life in a pressure cooker aka Mangalore, it's winter all year here in Bangalore! The heat here is not hot at all.
It's all relative. But, I got mangoed too! Didn't get bumped by a portly man on a cellphone though.

MM said...

My goose, there is always someone to slap, whatever the time of day.

V, portly gentlemen on cell phones is what summer is all about. And mangoes are good news. But dear GOD I am melting.

ash_incomprendo said...

summers are HOT. agreed. But, there are so many wonderful things to look forward to. For one, you don't have to worry abt ur fli-flops spraying ur pants with all the slush gathered in that awefullly depressing rain! and then things look so bright and sunny, and beautiful...its the spring before summers that just makes life look beautiful for a lil while!
And this summer is sure going to be something with SO MUCH not happening and so much happening at the same time!
We both need the LUCK!;-)