Sunday, December 20, 2009
No. It's a good feeling. I think.
Mumbai's really truly completely become home now. I owe that to a lot of people, to my awesome pg and the city just for being what it is. It's not been a complete a bed of roses, and it's taken me some time, but I've totally settled down. And I feel bad leaving it. And I feel glad that I'm coming back.
My heart aches for Bangalore too. (Remember what I said about being torn). Mama, daddy, everyone back home, goose, Jay, Other MM and a bunch of others. Im so glad I'm going to see you soon. And that I'm going to be wearing socks again.
Meanwhile, my Chocomania project is due in like two hours. Let not the frivolous name fool you. We have to come up with a marketing strategy for cod liver oil chocolates and the concepts are so far above my head I can't even see them. I'm so screwed I can't tell you.
Hence this post.
There have also been other distractions and escapisms such as
blowing my nose (I have a terrible cold),
re packing my suitcase (I'm an awesome packer! Did I ever mention that?),
blow drying my hair (unecessarily),
downloading as many Porcupine Tree numbers as I can before the concert today evening, (:|)and
chipping off the two layers of pink and blue nail polish on my left hand.
But we must face reality sooner or later, right?
And aunty's just made lunch. So in my case that would be later.
Did I mention I'm screwed?
Pray for me,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Where do I start?
Poor blog, Ive totally ignored you. No post for September, and I only realise mid October.
So much since then.
And I don't know where to begin.
*makes lazy non-committal hand gesture*
Tomorrow! or sometime.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Long, Scruffy Post About The Now
I traveled by bus the other day. On the way back from college. *dances* And was thrilled to part with just a five rupee coin, instead of the usual forty bucks. And was very proud of self because Ive never been able to travel by bus in Bangalore.
I should perhaps stop here to tell you that Im now in Mumbai, studying at St Xaviers (yes, that place where they shot Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na! *does excited dance* Forgive me. It's the only Hindi movie Ive been able to watch twice, apart from Lagaan) and Im doing a PG diploma in advertising and marketing, and Ive been here a month and many adventures have happened that I havent written about.
Now that that is out of the way, we can get back to the bus. It was awesome. Ok maybe not awesome. Maybe there were lots of people coughing and sneezing. In your face if they could. And maybe there was one man in a surgical mask which made me get to thinking that i should possibly be worried and wearing one too. And maybe there was a man in a netaji cap who should probably have used some deodorant if he didnt want people around him to keep fainting. Maybe. But still. It was awesome.
Better at least than traveling in a cab whose driver is the stupidest man on the planet. I swear, I am NOT joking, I should have taken a picture, it'd have gotten me millions. Westside to Bachelors, should have been 13 bucks, you dont want to HEAR the exorbitant amount he charged me because he was too dumb to know the route.
Because of recent swine flu scare I have been severely instructed by the 'rents not to use any mode of public transport, and to use the cabs everyday and to wear a mask and not to breathe too much if possible.
But most cabbies are quite nice actually. Really nice in fact. Better than our local autodrivers most definitely. Always ready to help, making friendly conversation, not laughing at your broken hindi, sharing tips on how to prevent swine flu. In fact, people in general are more friendly there than here Ive noticed. When I landed at the airport this time I forgot I was at Bangalore and "No thank you plus smile"-ed at a dude who asked me whether wanted a taxi. Whereupon he sniggered at me and muttered something offensive in Kannada. After which I realised that this is not Mumbai MM, the appropriate response would be loud tsking and a rolling of the eyes before glaring at said man.
Havent you noticed that in Bangalore, being friendly doesnt work well with most of the people you have to deal with? I had to rewire my entire system after we moved back from London when I was eight. We do have our good qualities, but being civil and genuinely friendly to strangers is not one of them.
Also, Ive been able to pick up Hindi much quicker than it took me to learn Kannada because people arent constantly correcting, judging and critiquing what Im saying and then laughing at me. Here they just take my broken Hindi and keep talking to me, I swear Ive gotten so much better at it. Soon I will be able to hurl abuses at the occassional foolish cabbie in fluent Hindi.
I tried talking to my mum in Kannada over the phone the other day and all that came out was broken Hindi. Funny how things change, in the beginning, I'd talk to the cabbies in Kannada not realising until they turned around and stared at me questioningly.
I like Mumbai. :)
I love Bangalore too though. This week break thanks to Swine Flu Scare has been too short.
Back to the PG tonight. I stay in Tardeo. On the 29th floor, three sides sea facing, in a flat where the rooms are all painted bright and wonderful colours. My roommate is a sweetheart. I have it gooood. This I have realised this more deeply after a month in Mumbai. Accommodation is really expensive here. But we found a gem. PG aunty is Nepali, who married an Iyer, so she cooks us nepali achaars and otherwise south Indian type food for a very nominal rate. Her kids are all grown up and away, so their beautiful penthouse is ours for a year. :) I have the blue room. Just in case you wanted to know. There is also a pink room, a yellow room and the hall is orange and green. And although this sounds tacky, it is really not. :)
Lookit that. Im missing the place. Seems like I have two homes, for the now. :)
Anyway, while she may be really Brahmin with some of her rules, dont touch the used plate to the table, dont touch food in the pots once you've started eating etc, she's really decent about curfews and the like. Osh and I walked in at 4am the day we'd gone to Pune (that was loads of fun, the Hard Rock Cafe there is to die for, and try their mashed potato with gravy. Drool. Also there's this shop called Babe there. If I die and go to heaven, I hope I will wake up to find myself in Babe. Very afforable fantastic fashion. Needless to say, we went a little crazy. Im also in love with Pune. Everything is so much nicer and cheaper there. Of course there's the swine flu and all as well. Balances out.) And I walked in at 2am the day our class went to Zenzy's, only to find her watching Hindi soaps with her mum and her sister who've come down from Nepal to visit. Is she ever one for Hindi soaps.
Incidentally, we saw Abhay Deol at Zenzy's. He was with two guys in this room at the back where Something Relevant was about to start playing, and the room was empty, ad me sai and shashank walk in and see them there. And we nod at each other and continue to stand there for the longest time the three of us whispering about whether we should actually be there or not, until people started to fill in. I'll have to admit, I didnt know he was an actor, havent seen him before, I only knew because they told me. I need to really watch some Hindi movies.
I have glimpsed quite a few celebs here in Mumbai actually. :D The other day as Shanks and I are walking out of college, we turn around to see Rahul Bose walking behind us. :D
Our college has a lotta celebrities visiting it. Abdul Kalam came. And Hilary Clinton and Aamir Khan. Heavy security. The day we had Vivienne D Souza's class. She requires an entire blogpost for herself.
College is nice. I miss my little gang or whatever you might call it. Sweethearts, although they would be greatly disturbed if they knew I was calling them that. Shanks from bangalore of course, Keegan, really musically talented and all, Savio, funny guy, easy to talk to "brand of our class", Arjun also plays the guitar and all that, fun to talk to, Mandar co- Paparazzi and entertainment provider. :D I actually miss it all! Ok, now Im ready to go back. Then there's Yashad whose funniness I miss greatly. And Shreyas and Dorita and Apoorva Sneha and Neha, my comp partner Harsh, who's lots of fun, and lots of other wonderful people that Im just getting to know.
And Malhar has been postponed to next week. Im excited about that, will probably blog about it when it happens. :) Oh and the Xaviers building, is beautiful!! I just love it! So Harry Potter esque. :) I only saw it because of Malhar. The XIC building isnt as splendiferous. Plus we have to climb to the third floor everyday. Blah. That bit sucks.
So Week One was running around trying to find accommodation with mum and dad. Mr Vikram is a character I will not easily forget. Perhaps I will blog about him later.
Week Two was hospital with Malaria/dengue/mild viral hepatitis, the docs cant make up their minds.
Week Three was college, horse carriage rides with osh sai and shanks, visiting marine drive and gateway at midnight, eating at roadside restaurants and getting caught in HEAVY rains that only Shanks umbrella could withstand :D
Week four was Josy Paul and Vivienne D'Souza and some worthwhile teachers and Malhar and practice and all that. Oh and Mr Samir Chadha who I found out, worked on the Orbit cow ads!! :D He was one of our guest lecturers.
Week Five swine flu holidays and back in B'lore for a week and it's not nearly enough time for anything. :( Blah. Not nearly enough time.
I have just realised now that we have a LOAD of assignments due pretty soon, and I'd better buck up and finish them or I am going to be in a lot of soup.
I have the feeling too many drawers open.
More Old-New Posts
North East
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Note and a Quote
Note: I have an old post which I will publish under the date it was written. If you are jobless please go read it.
Quote: Mum: "I know when MM's home when I see a pair of peeled off jeans on the floor."
This is now apparently my trademark. I feel like Zorro.
Also, is Google Reader supposed to annoy the hell out of you?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Stop this Train
More of a diary type post, this one.
There are so many things going on, I havent even had the time to speak to Bestest properly. And that feels so wrong. Like she said, "It feels like my life isn't being recorded properly if I haven't told you what's been happening." And I feel the same way. There is such a backlog goose. I don't even know where to begin. But I will. :)
I dont know if Ive said this before, but Im so afraid of forgetting.
So I thought I'd do a little recording here first and get everything up to date so those grandkids of mine know what's been happening. (Which grandkids?)
Ok so first. I am really happy.
Like yay. Isn't that wonderful. Because like end of April I was all Wow. So what is happening with my life and all. No more college. No more routine. No idea what to do next. And it was all a bit confusing for a while.
But now, now I love my life. Things could not be better.
And Ive noticed that I write a lot when Im not so thrilled with things, you know. It's therapeutic for me to write when Im unhappy about things. I was just telling goose about how in our Chain of Letters, most are about the troubled times. :D We write when we're upset. It makes us feel better definitely. But that means the happy times arent recorded enough.
When we're happy, we dont say it. Are we afraid of jinxing it? Are we too busy enjoying it? I dont know. Whatever it is, it isnt worth it. From now on, I am going to say it when I feel it.
I'm falling in love with The Office again. Steve Carrel is HILARIOUS. Jim and Pam. Jim and Pam. Sigh. I am downloading, at snail's pace, four seasons of The Office, US version. Please, if anyone has them, be a dear, give them to me and spare me the trauma.
I'm also falling in love with my office.
I love Orchard. I really do. It's just like college but better. There's always music playing, movie-watching and loud laughter during the day. Cool art directors. Awesome Mentor. Lovely Lady from client servicing. And of course, the Cretarded Gang. Oh it's just so much fun! There will be another post on this lovefest. Soon. :)
TheBaldMan has introduced me to some good music apart from being great company. Fellow YouTuber (tuber, haha!) has introduced me to some darn funny shit on youtube. Hahaha good stuff. :) StupidityShetty (far from stupid she is, but it has such a nice ring to it!) has taught me much about life. And Vindictive Slapper Woman has not taught me anything, but her slaps are awesome! *nurses red knuckles*
Graduation Day on May 30. The lovely wine coloured saree that Tata insisted I buy as a gift from him. Meeting Oshmunch's family. :) I sat through a horribly boring ceremony that impressed our parents a great deal (We are too used to the splendour of Christ College Auditorium functions). 30 people on stage wearing the grad robes and hats and a lot of solemn speeches and prayer and the like. Good stuff. Good stuff. I managed not to puke on some of the puke inducing elements of our class. (Difficult. They were right in front of me.) I managed not to trip while collecting my graduation certificate. All in all eventful, spent with the people I care about, and a nice way to close the three years. :)
Back from Manipal with Oshmunch. The bus journey was a mini wonderla. Met Sameeksha our senior there and hung out. It was a leetle dead there because the students are all home. There was one diluted Transit sort of place that we went where I was conned by the Subway man into taking double helpings, and got myself a nice little stomach ache before the interview. And it rained the ENTIRE time. Met some really nice people who came along for the interview though. That was heartening.
We went in for the GD, and it's sad to admit, but after coming out we realised not ONE of us knew what the topic was about. Argh. Except none of us knew that none of the others knew what the topic was about either. This is the mark of a good media person. :|
I used to be extremely bad at this, you know. If I dont know about something, I CANNOT fake it and convince people that I do. And yabber on sounding intelligent. If Im sure about something, I can speak about it. If I dont I usually keep mum. But I asked Annu, and she said she didnt know that I didnt know, so I must be getting better at it. :| Yay.
The interview process took a whole day and I was last in on the stress interview and by then I was so tired that nothing that they said fazed me. Even scary joint director who kept bulleting out questions. Where is Thimpu? Should India sign the NPT? What is it about humans that you hate? After the Tata Nano, what is the next project they're coming out with? Are you religious? Name one quality in your father that you dont like. Name two cities in Nagaland. What are your views on smoking and drinking? pat pat pat pat.
And the lady who was all:
You are last today. Every one must be talking about the questions.
Yes they have been.
So you already know all the questions do you?
Yeah. Kind of.
*shocked look*
Anyway, I was unfazed throughout, due to the zombification brought about by the incessant waiting. Which was good I think, because I've been accepted. And they've said Rank: 2 whatever that means. So awesome.
Many trips to the BU with Oshmunch. Well, two. But they were fun. BU cows. We noticed a severe change in attitude from the time we were in salwars (visit 1) to the time we were in jeans (visit 2). Anyway, our migration certificates are with us at last! Hurray! And Breakthrough also, happened today. *pats self on back*
We just realised that all of us are going to be leaving soon. Things wont be the same. No more heading to Sweet Chariot whenever we're starving and grumbling at the fat mustached waiter for taking so long. No more Forum for a movie, "no way are we going to eat that unhealthy McD stuff, oh well what the hell, lets." No more waiting outside the pg in the dark at night, getting eaten by mosquitos because we're two minutes past curfew. I didnt live there, but sometimes it felt like I did. And I will miss Babu Bhaiya's food.
A chapter is closing.
Ah well, it hasnt all ended yet. Tomorrow lunch with the girls, back to work in the afternoon and then a sleepover at the Other MM's.
Did I mention that I love my life? :) :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Things We Heard in Class, Noted down, Giggled Madly Over, and Almost got Thrown Out because of.
1. This leads to self mutilation by own-self
2. We ave to DIAGNASE the indi-u-jial.
3. There are many Personality Disordered People.
4. It is EYELY suspicious
5. Nature and Naature (Nature and nurture)
6. The environament starts to mowlds them.
7. Don’t be voverprotectiwe.
8. Yeny koshuns? (Any questions?)
9. Whizz-man! (Weisman)
10. In the Mix-id type of skisofreenia…
11. How can we define pd as? Where does it stand from?
In Industrial Psychology Class:
1. Does they the five of them have understood?
2. And the third peoples are…
3. They don’t want to, they just want to want to handle stress. (I swear)
4. A soothing background musics.
5. Stress do have effects.
6. If I doesn’t consult you, you will find it difficult.
7. That’s the end up with problems.
In Advertising Class:
1. Now we will have a small Iktivity
2. Jernal avhereness (general awareness)
3. Which arsepect you did not understand?
4. The vale-you and stettegy must be anal-ised.
5. The colour is blew. Your topic is glew. (blue. glue.)
6. The edjetive (objective?? adjective??)
7. siss (since)
8. He don’t know how to make lassi. So the machine become lassi maker.
9. Sandya would you get up off out of your place? (to sadhana)
10. ek-chu-lee (actually)
11. choozen (chosen)
12. mount-ayn
13. empisis
14. What are you been doing?
15. Pliss circle one, four and ahleven.
And lastly, in that horrible horrible Sanskrit class that I was STUCK in for two years where the Gormless Lady MUTILATED the English language and massacred some Sanskrit as well:
1. Instead of saying “Tulsi is a plant.”, she goes:
Tulsi is the one, that is going to be the one, that is going to be a plant.
(all said veeeeery slowly. I died a little every time I attended that class.)
2. If I will be letting you to present you var project, then you will be never be understanding thee yimportance of disceepleene. Therefore I will be going to be giving you all zero marks wonly.
(This incident raised many a bp level. Was I ever glad after second year.)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm in love and I'm happy
Isnt he just darling?
What ok. Dont roll your eyes. I can be gimmicky on my own blog, if I want to.
But draw your attention to his eyes, his large nose, his perfect tail. Isnt he just the cutest thing you ever saw? Isnt he just? Isnt he?
Look, this is Bolt's puppy eyes look.
This is Bolt staring incredulously at a rodent.
This is Bolt being angry.
This is Bolt being compassionate.
This is Bolt in action.
This is Bolt in action at night.
This is Bolt swinging from a banner with a skeletal cat and a hamster.
This is Bolt being confused and lost.
How I love you, and your perfect tail.
Bestest lent me the movie a while ago and he is now the Dog of my Life. Unfortunately, as a result, I have been forced to remove Ceazu, (Bestest's Boxer) from top position on my list. (Yes, I have a list. What's it to you?) Which goose, you cant really blame me for seeing as you were the one who introduced me to Bolt in the first place, right? So there will be no plate throwing and name calling, right? And no yelling and screaming insults and abuses while running me over with a truck, right? Right.
So that's who Im in love with.
And why am I happy?
Well today was THE most BORING day I've ever lived through. I swear.
And if that's not enough to make a girl happy, I dont know what is.
Patience I say, there's more.
In the morning I was so sleepy I was afraid I was going to crash headfirst into the monitor if I didnt do something about it quickly. And then I'd have to pay a fine and stuff, not to mention sew up my severed head. So the other intern and I walked down to the nearby coffee day and bought a frappe, because they wake me up (and well, Im addicted. Shhh).
It didnt help.
I spent the entire afternoon doing NOTHING. And I intensely hate this doing nothing business. I was feeling all restless and angsty and uncomfortable and adventurous and wanting to do something crazy, like bungee jumping or running through the roads screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". And I spent the whole afternoon not being able to, and generally just feeling terribly trapped and miserable the entire time.
Now if all that's not enough to make a girl happy, I dont know what is.
No WAIT. There's more.
In the evening, I got some good news:
I've passed my sixth semester with Distinction! YAY!
*waits for applause to stop while some others mutter 'well, that was long winded', and to them I say "well its my blog and I can rant here if I want to ok!" before tearing up and running away*
Ordinarily I wouldnt bother so much about such news, but today it just made me euphoric.
Yes, there is still some Iyengari blood flowing through these veins.
And to all of you who eagerly came here expecting E News type drama and romance and were bored out of their senses by this long, rambling, rant of a post... HA HA ( in the words of Nelson). And also, do me a favour please, and go and jump in a well. Thank you.
In my next post I declare there will be no gimmicks.
Scout's Honour.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A pwomiss is a pwomiss
Why does that Vodaphone lady greet you with malicious laughter when she's about to tell you that the number you are trying to call is unavailable? "Hahaha the Vodaphone number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable hahaha." I mean why is that necessary, that smug smile in her voice? Cut it out I say! Throw that lady in front of a bus I say! Do they WANT us to associate Vodaphone with murderous feelings already? Really.
Fantastic ad I saw. Poster. Large. In medical store. I stared at it the entire twenty five minutes I was waiting for the fat lady to decipher the prescription and waddle around uncertainly trying to pick the right drugs off the shelf.
"Vicks" it says proudly. "Trusted by 70% doctors."
All I could think of the entire time was about the 30% who considered it a health hazard.
I dearly wanted to put up the collage Oshmunch made of me and her... and then converted into a darling magnet that sits prettily above my mirror, but having recently heard internet psycho story, I have decided against. :(
It is so cute though. Just so you know.
Oshmunch is in Delhi doing a PR internship. She is missed much.
Also, Im 21. It's true. Each year I must will myself to believe that I am in fact aging, by telling myself here on my blog. I am 21. It's true.
It happened some 6 days ago, while I was in Singapore.
I lay awake the night before curled up in the foetal position (as is tradition before birthdays) evaluating my life up till date and feeling that I really really really hadnt done enough with all of it. :( Wonderful way to bring in a new year. But in the morning I woke up all reassured, I must've had some sort of calming dream or something.
And then I got back and Jay had been such a deer and arranged something in my absence for my 21st. We all met up and had such a glorious evening of fun... I wish it could have gone on forever. And Im not usually so senty about things like that. This was truly an awesome evening, I couldnt have had more fun. Everyone was adorable and the gifts are all treasured. :)
And now we're on yesterday's party page of the Deccan Chronicle. Did I ever think the day would come? No. Has it though? Yes.
I suppose our little non achievements must be given their due credit. Besides, while I was appalled at first, after I saw it I wasn't as much. Same with the others. It was actually a really cute little write up. And it kind of serves the purpose of a permanent reminder of such a wonderful evening. :)
Goose I miss the days. I am going to make a photo album especially of the days. Who would have thought they would be times that we missed. Let this photo be a tribute to the-week-I-want-to-go-back-to. You write your GRE soon I say goose. Oh, and I have a photo gift for you from Singapore. Later. For now I leave you with this reminder (that will make no sense to anyone but me and you. :D) Giggles.____________________________________________________________________
The internship started yesterday, with Orchard India, ad agency. (Isnt the website like, sew cool?) I have also been sorting my life out a wee bit. Sigh. More on that later.
I have a cold. After a long time. It kinda sucks sneezing so often.
I have just realised that NO topic is too trivial for this blog.
So I shall now proceed to talk extensively about the Leaping Ant.
I've encountered a fair share of crazy animals in my life, the mad squirrel, the Dog of My Life and lagoose to name a few, but none of them were quite as mad as the leaping ant.
So the other night I'm sitting on my bed (upright for once), back to the wall, studying for a very important exam (so I'd like you to believe, but I am in fact simply staring vacantly into space, one earphone in place, and a book open before me, waiting for the cows to come home).
I lean my head against the wall in sheer desperation, when I see out of the corner of my eye, a very large black ant. I do not have a heart attack, and pat myself on the back in commendation of my bravery. Meanwhile the ant leaps a good 3 feet in my direction. I have a heart attack and scramble in an ungainly manner off the bed. Whereupon it leaps after me. So high! SO far! It was truly a sight to behold. After it had chased me a couple of times around the room I mustered the courage and found an opportune moment to flick it out of the stairwell window.
But it was quite a display of acrobatics. I never imagined such a thing possible.
I must save this unsavoury moment for posterity! I thought to myself. And so I have.
And with that, I leave you. Until my next dose of nonsense.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Just so there is a post for March
What the hell is wrong with me?
College is over. And there was some sadness. A lot actually. But Im waiting for the next adventure... bring it on!
There is much to blog about. (Malaysia was awesome.) And I will this month, since I have pretty much nothing else to do. Except plan my what's happening the rest of my life and stuff, and that... eh. *tsks and makes nonchalant hand gesture*
Meanwhile see Bestest's blogpost on coffee. *Frappe addiction kicks in again* She and Sne went to her plantation in Madikeri, and the coffee blossoms are just beautiful (Snow Blossoms, I called them) And the photos are breathtaking. Except they arent loading properly just now, so you'll just have to wait and check them out later.
More posts this month I pwomiss.
PS: Is anyone else creeped out by the BJP advertisements on Youtube? It just all seems very unnatural.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Just so there is a post for February
There's always an exact day when I realise that it's summer again. This time it was on Friday, 27th Feb, as Osh and I passed Nilgiris on Brigade Road. The smell of mangoes wafted gently up my nostrils, even as I was elbowed in the stomach by a portly man on a cell phone. And it was then that I knew.
I cant do anything when it's this hot. It always takes some getting used to. But the summer is always exciting. I look forward to this one. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
WHAT the Hell
He wrote this article on Slumdog Millionaire. Click link and open in new tab.
Don't see "Slumdog Millionaire". It sucks!
By Arindam Chaudhuri
I saw it on Monday, at the bottom of a full page ad for IIPM. Very relevant no, to IIPM, this article? And I was too appalled to read it. It also appeared as the editorial in one of our newspapers the following day I think.
This is someone that people respect and admire. He's won awards. He's supposed to be a role model, a celebrity. Who knew he was such a lunatic? WHAT the hell is wrong with him?
First of all, (and it may seem trivial, but it is not to me) his grammar is COMPLETELY off in places. "Don't see" I believe.
Secondly, WHY go to such lengths?
Okay, you didnt like the movie. Fine. Why write a freaking editorial about it?
Do we not have more pressing things to give importance to?
And why be so extremist? And why give it such a childish and ridiculous headline?
I am not the only one thinking he must have some sort of ulterior motive here.
Why make it occupy a quarter of full page ad for IIPM for chrissake. Why put it everywhere? Why make it THAT public? Perhaps he has something to gain from the failure of this movie at the box office. Notice he says at the end:
Don’t even waste your time watching this film in the theatres.Why mention in theatres unless he had box office results in mind?
Notice how the article stresses more on how one should NOT GO SEE the movie. Why not say, Go watch it, and see what rubbish it is? Go watch it, and see how we're being portrayed? Why say Dont go see it so often in the article, and give it that ridiculous, irrational Headline? It seems as though this man has all the wrong interests at heart.
Thirdly, he is really extremist in his views. You can't be so illogical ya! Especially when you are someone that important. Ack, Im too angry to write. Here are some ridiculous things he's said. Actually the whole article is ridiculous. But here:
While “Salaam Bombay” had realism, “Slumdog…” is just every scrap of dirt picked up from every corner and piled up together to try and hit back at the growing might of India.Really now. Picked up and made to hit back at the growing might of India.
Im sure that's what they had in mind while making the film. Let us try and hit back at the growing might of India.
Talk about irrational. This idiot (and Im sorry Im being abusive, but Im angry) has NO IDEA about films Im telling you. NO IDEA. What about some of the shoddy unrealistic films that he's produced?
The real slumdogs who’ve hit the jackpot after wallowing in acres of human waste are the makers of this film who are now raking in millions while those court jesters who’ve critiqued the film and showered tributes and awards need to ask themselves why, scores of years after our independence, they still feel the need to suck up to the gora sahibs.WHAT? Who is sucking up to the gora sahibs? I understand you have great fascination for the word "suck" Mr Chaudhury, but please!
It illogically shows every negative thing about India happening in the protagonist’s life... slums, open-air lavatories, riots, underworld, prostitution, brothels, child labour, begging, blinding and maiming of kids to make them into ‘better beggars’, petty peddlers, traffic jams, irresponsible call centre executives…YOU are illogical. The movie is based on a BOOK. The book was written by an INDIAN. Who Im sure had no intention of hitting back at the growing might of India.
I agree that perhaps the movie might give people abroad a bad idea about India. And I wish that during Interviews and the publicity that they had stressed that this was just one aspect of India. But it's a movie, and a darn good one at that, and anyone doing business with us would know our country is a lot more than the slums. I don't see how much harm it could cause.
It is depressing to read some of the comments by the empty headed who look to the likes of him for their opinions. "Yes sir you are complete totally 100% completely true and right please admit me in your IIPM I have scored 50% marks." *barf*
I am however, slightly mollified by the number of comments that disagree with him on his blog. And I shall paste a few here.
(I would, but it is wrecking havoc on my blog saying html error and changing the font colours to flourescent blue and pink, and I cant do that to my blog. Flourescent blue. No.
I will try later, to paste these heart lifting comments. Know that they are there.)
And I say:
Dude you are completely off your rocker. Please go get head checked asap.
I would like to be have been more coherent here but I am too LIVID.
Even that Mangalore thing is driving me crazy. Srirama Sene I believe. Are there so many nutcases in the world? Really? It's depressing.
Tomorrow advertising exam. I should probably go study.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire, Auto Raja Post and Psych Fest
I reallyreallyreallyreally loved the movie. And Dev Patel. *Sigh* It's all in the eyebrows.
Dev? Are you listening? I know you're 17 and all. But still. Call me.
There were some trivial things that irked me: Like how Anil Kapoor pronounces millionaire. "Who wants to be... a millin-air!!!!" I dunno, that was just JARRing. Yuck. It's mil IAN air.
Also, the slum dwellers English accents when they grew older. Huh? They sounded more like middle upper educated class Indian English accents. Although not accurate, I actually kinda liked it. I guess I related to the characters more because of it.
NOTHING ELSE! The music is JUST awesome. JUST. Paper Planes is my current favourite. And those little kids! Amazing jobs they've done. Perfect, in fact.
Twice this week I have watched half an hour debates on Times Now(blah) on whether "We as a nation are still touchy about poverty." And "Does Slumdog Millionnaire portray us badly to the rest of the world." Which is silly actually because nobody is supposed to have watched it yet. And also, do we HAVE nothing else to talk about?
Of course we're touchy about poverty. But look, it's a movie. You cant be too much PR types in your movie. What image will this person get about this and how will that affect everything else. If you did that, you'd never be able to make something you truly felt about. Movies are art, your voice. You cant bend them around to suit PR strategies for the country for chrissake. Too much talk for no reason.
I only wish Frieda Pinto (who's gorgeous by the way) had been a little smarter in the way she answered some of those question they were asking her. She kept ON saying in all her interviews that THIS was the real Mumbai. THIS was a true depiction of Mumbai. Hello. It was one PART of Mumbai, there are so many aspects of the city that werent portrayed. I mean there is culture, and good schools and goodness as well, you know? She could have easily said "Yes, this IS what Mumbai is like. This is an accuarate portrayal of what part of Mumbai is like."
Look at them. Already at the Golden Globes. Oscars. Even I want to do great things with my life. *pouts*
Yay 1000 bucks this time InBloom Creative writing first place. Yay! You should have seen my face while signing for cheque. Teacher was highly amused. I thought they'll give 500 or something. These Christ people no. This is the only time of the year that I like them so much. Jay and I have made a plan that if we dont get high paying jobs, we'll just hit all the college fests and submit prize winning entries for everything. Full rich.
Doesnt it annoy you when these auto drivers (I see you sit up in your seat and start nodding) almost bash into someone ok, and then start driving almost immediately, but while staring at the person they've almost hit, threateningly?
I mean stop the gaadi and then stare no? Stare all you want. Throw daggers with your eyes. Remain there, without saying anything, glaring evilly for as long as you want. But dont keep the gaadi moving, and stare while continuing to drive into other people and things. Smart too much. Right into that oncoming bus.
Pah. It's too tough being a celeb and all. What a sad thing to happen to anyone.
Psych fest no. Sigh what memories. There's a pattern we FEPs follow for the 12 Minutes to fame event, you know.
I FEP- You're new you dont know what the hell this psych fest is all about. You dont do anything and hurriedly put on a 12 minutes to fame piece of nothingness.
II FEP- fueled by last year's embarrassment, you decide to put on a really good show. And your previously disintegrated class comes together and you feel great euphoria and its just awesomeness.
III FEP- You have a lot on your mind. There's lots of other stuff going on. Half your class doesnt turn up because this is all old shit ya. You're lazy. You make something up on the morning of the show and almost get third place but miss by one mark.
How history repeats itself. Sigh.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Of Cream & Fudge Psychopaths
No, really.
So we're at The Cream & Fudge Factory, right, me and Osh.
I know, I know. Why go there when you can make 10 rupee Cream and Fudge Factory specials at home, right? Right. But I'd just had a small (massive) craving for donuts that morning in PR class and The Donut Baker is just above it and we thought eh, what the heck.
So we're sitting there on those bar stools (that place ish very shpecial to me) eating our donuts with our fingers from a tissue on a tray (They have no plates. They have no spoons. They have no forks, no knives, the goons.) And we've ordered a scoop of icecream.

Deep in pleasant conversation, discussing things that your average pair of 20 year girl buddies do. When suddenly we are startled out of our politically charged discussion, by an old man with a walker. One of these.-->
I stare incredulously wondering if he has a point. All I get is another "How much did you pay for that?"
I say, "Why do you want to know?", afraid that there will be a lecture on "You can buy the same thing from outside for 5 rupees! In my time you could buy Australia with the amount you have paid for that icecream." Seriously, the tone was just that. Like a reprimanding teacher. Who comes up to your table and asks to see your bill, I mean come on. I swear, if he wasnt so elderly I'd have yelled at him to bugger off and mind his own business. But Respect your elders, we have been taught. Even if they are crossing the line.
And he's like "How much?" And I stop myself from snapping and I tell him. And he says all commandingly, "Tell them to bring me one of those."
I think. Ok. Poor dude's in a walker. He probably cant wrap his mind around the numerous flavours and decide which one to have. He's decided he's liked the look of the one Im having. And he's probably one of those retired army officers who are used to people doing as they order them to. And he's kinda my grandad's age. And he's come here in a walker alone. Why isnt anyone with him? Poor thing. The least I can do is tell the waiter what to bring for him. So Im like, "Erm excuse me, he's asking for the same thing that I am having."
Waiter brings it and he scarfs the whole thing down and me and Osh continue yabbering.
Then he starts talking to these small kids sitting next to us on the barstools. (Sidenote: Kids today are so much more grown up than we were at their age, damnit. They are.) They are eating their ice cream from colourful rainbow sprinkle cones.
"You, girl. What are you eating?" *rough assertively*
"What is that?"
"Icecream cone"
"Can you get me one of those? Go and get me one of those."
"Only cone?"
Girl stares blankly at him and then goes to her mamma. Mamma gets cone for old man. Old man says "There's nothing in it?"
Mamma says "You wanted ice cream also?"
"Yes tell them to give me whatever she's having." *points at girl*
Mamma confusedly goes to get icecream. Meanwhile old man says "Is that your mother? She is a very fine lady. Very good. You know? And where do you stay?"
Little Girl is smart, but not that smart. Mamma hurries over to hush her up. "Is that your daughter? She is a very fine girl. Very good." Old man scarfs down this icecream also. I wonder how. They are BIG portions and it was difficult for us to finish the one we'd ordered between the two of us. And the girls and mamma all leave.
And Osh and I are done yabbering and there's a Reliance Footwear Store nearby that we've been wanting to check out. So we jump lithely off our stools, hand the waiter dude the bill book and with a quick smile, start to walk out the door.
"Medam medam medam!!"
We walk back in again.
"Medam, that man. He's not going to pay."
"Say wha?"
"Yes. He does this often. He comes in and makes other people buy for him."
"Other people as in, me?"
"Yes medam."
"But I didnt know that! And if you knew that why didnt you warn me?"
"You ordered for him no medam."
"Look I didnt know he was charging it to me... I just thought he needed help ordering."
"He does like this medam." *shakes head*
"If you knew he does like this, you should probably not have let him in this time, right?" *in severe tones* Like HELL I was going to pay double for those already overpriced icecreams.
"Yes medam. Ok medam. Its ok medam. Thank you."
And Osh and I walked out feeling quite shaken at the gall of this old man.
It wasnt like he didnt have money, he was very well spoken and very well dressed.
Why would he want two? At that age? Was he tying to kill himself? Was he a diabetic? Was this some sort of OC suicide he was trying to have here?
It must have been for the thrill of it. And he had no guilt whatsoever. Not in the least bit embarrassed, even as he heard the conversation we were having with the waiters. Classic psychopath. No conscience. No shame. No guilt. No sense of morality. Trying to be all good natured and charming with that little girl and her mum.
*shudders* The thought of someone being able to do anything they want to because there's nothing in their head that's stopping them is a scary thought.
The incident doesn't sound so tremour worthy, but really it left Osh and me quite shaken. That there were people like this- charming, well spoken intelligent people like this- who didnt mind doing anything at all, simply because they had no conscience. You should have been there, really it was disturbing, watching him lick away at the spoons, straight backed, well dressed, watching us brazenly as we discussed him from over at the cash counter.
4% of the population are psychopaths it sims. He was one, I'm sure. There's no other explanation.
Osh and me think the walker was just a ruse. Perhaps he bashes peoples heads in with it in dark alleyways at night. You never know.
Just to be clear, I am not trying to abuse an old defenseless man for my own perverse enjoyment here.
It does not look as though he suffers from
Severe Alzheimer's (Complete deterioration of the personality and loss of control over bodily functions, requires total dependence on others for even the most basic activities of daily living.)
Schizhophrenia (Symptoms of disorganised schizhophrenia: Impaired communication skills, Incomprehensible or illogical speech, Emotional indifference, Inappropriate reactions e.g. laughing at a funeral, Infantile behavior: baby talk, giggling,Peculiar facial expressions and mannerisms)
It DOES sound as though he is a psychopath. ( Glibness / superficial charm, Cunning / manipulative, Lack of remorse or guilt, Failure to accept responsibility for own actions, Parasitic lifestyle, Impulsivity, Irresponsibility)
Thas all.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Now of course, there are several other memories associated with the word. :) And I will list them all in a crude, ungainly fashion, because the best I can do at this point is copy down stuff I scribbled in my notebook at the time.
The best thing about the December hols was that Shru came down to visit and we decided on this last minute trip to Hampi which was fantastically blissful and now everytime I look at the pictures my heart flips and I want to go back again.
Bloody auto drivers.
Belts, scarves, bangles, dresses, colours, joy.
Osh walking into a bull.
Drunk shopkeeper with earrings. I cant believe we listened to him that long.
Isereli guy who tripped. Remember? Bahahahaha I still cant stop laughing at that. We're ridiculous, we are.
MM's monument
Bollywood Banana Groves.
Thw walking. And walking. And walking. And getting there.
The drunken sleepiness.
Furriners on cycles.
Content feeling in tummy auto rides.
Sleeping in. :D All of us.
Lady who asked for chocolate. Squirrels at the same place.
The Guide with Broken English.
Talking for hours and catching up on I want to say gossip, but I wont. :)
Droves of school children asking for our water bottles.
Dress shop man, hint, other lady two hours.
Funny scooter guys lake scream. (I really dont remember what that was all about.)
Awesome vacay. Here's to more. :) And here are some photos.



Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas hols
jacob: "we live life in the 'theres'. We are disappointed because once we reach the 'there' we just make another 'there' for ourselves and slog towards that. Savour life, look for the 'here'. Once you learn to appreciate and live the 'here', the 'there' becomes easier and more savorable"
And that's really how I was living a lot of this year. I mean, in the 'there'. But these hols had virtually NO plans, I was just going to relax and laze and do nothing and live in the moment and not worry about filling every second of it (which is a really big step for me, I usually have to be working and occupied and busy ALL the time or I feel worthless or like I'm wasting my youth or something :/) and somehow everything got filled anyway, even though I wasn't worrying my head about making it so. And it was relaxed filled, not jampacked filled, do I make sense? And I enjoyed everything so much better because I wasnt thinking so much about the whole thing.
We went to Hampi for one thing, on last minute plans. Tbaby gave hath (ooo look, the MMGirl, she speaks Hindi!) so it was me Osh and Overseas Friend (I must find her another name) who went. And it was goshdarn nice I tell you. You know that happy content feeling in the pit of your stomach? It was that, throughout. I think I shall dedicate another post to that, sometime soon. (Yes, soon. :P)
Then there was the spending of time with the niece and nephews. Have I mentioned how much I love them? It overflows this love, I just want to squeeze them all hard when they're around (I refrain from it of course.) Actually there is just a whole lotta affection thing happening this month, the overflowing, and Ive been taking it all out on Osh, Shar and Jay. Jay, he doesnt mind so much. But the other two have complained. Funny, I got affection expressed and wanted as low in FIRO B.
Then there was the eating out. Shu, Im such a foodie. Then there was the Nigella recipes and trying them out. (I googled the web yesterday for yoga exercises for my tummy, not to worry) Casa del sol- not so good. Toscana- nice desserts!. Rajdhani- Shru, you shouldnt have paid! >:| McD- Well. Raghus- Dude this is the best place ever. Timeless.
For better reviews, see this blog, Gastronomical G-Spot , which I found extremely useful.
Then there was the outright crazy new year. Let's just say that flaming santro cars that you can see from 300 metres away, shattered windshields, 100 rupee food coupons, and 4000 people you dont know is NOT my idea of the best way to usher in the new year. Followed by and following 3 hour drives. :| Oshmunch, my only solace. Muah! :)
I also frequented BMS college of engineering. (Well, not frequented. :)) And toured Bestest's temple of learning, with Cow (I feel bad calling him that, I do because Bestest does. And it is a term of affection, and so appropriate), V, Rash and Puppy. And took weird story photos. And laughed and got embarrassed in front of amoebae, I'd forgotten how Bestest does that. ____________________________________________________________________
Then the Couch with GS, the giggling, the opening of hearts, the walking up and down MG road buying ghastly earrings because "They're just 25 rupees!". More giggling. Actually watching a Hindi movie with her. HER and ME! Can you believe it? Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. Ack. Well, it wasnt too bad. She's pretty, and great for a beginner. And he's well, him. The sumo wrestling scene made me want to jump out of my seat and run out of the audi. And the drama scenes on the night where the lights spells 'I love you' was toooo much, I had to hold my head and rock back and forth in my seat to escape from the pain of it all. But otherwise quite swallowable. Quite. Then we went and sat in Garuda mall Barrista, had a look at the menus and ran out, giggling like we'd do in PUC. Hahaha, I cant tell you how much I enjoyed that. All this being 20 and all, you become too proper in public places, I dont laik it. This was fun.
I think on top of the list of most fulfilling was being with Shru and FnA at UB City. And spending that day with springystepped earlier as well. 6 straight hours of continous talking and catching up. Sitting at Coffee Day Square (go there, its lovely, but prices are triple usual coffee day. :|) until the waiters got fed up and tried to kick us out. Still having way too much to talk about. All that shall be remedied this week. :)
Finally getting the hang of downloading. Whooppeee!! It feels grrrrrreat!! Little Women. I can just watch that movie over and over. The only thing I dont like about it is Beth! How could they cast her? She looks like she is possessed the entire time! And that's really NOT what Beth is like. Tchah. Laurie is *SIGH*! :) Love that movie.
The sleepovers with Shru and FnA. And making Nigella type cheesecake for mum and dad.
There's something about Christmas that gives me a good feeling in my tummy. :)
A Whole Lotta Nothing, a Happy New Year, and a Very Happy Birthday La! Post
Little tension is happening. Why means? 59 days until college gets over. I counted. (Yes I do crazed things like this when Im panicked.) So yes. And I have no clue what Im doing after. Or rather I have too many clues and tis difficult to choose from them. This is my final year, and there's no fixed plan, and in 59 days Im out of college, with no idea of what's ahead. Woot. Im so happy.
Today is La's birthday. So this is all dedicated to her, my Bestest, who so often annoys me for new posts. La is far off in Madikeri, but I am with her in thoughts. I forced myself out of a very heavy blog slumber for you my goose. God knows what pleasure you derive from reading my mangled thoughts, but Im glad that you do. :)
One of aforementioned thoughts is, how can people use yahoo mail when there is gmail? I mean HOW? Gmail is so convenient. There are so many useful little feature thingammys that make life so EASY.
Labeling, that lovely clear layout, archiving,
most importantly conversation emails, where all your replies are in one email,
gtalk right there, To do list right there,
and lately those theme things- I have Zooblimps, they is darn kyoot. :)
And how CAN people still use Hi5 (Jay sent me a friend request from there, I couldnt believe people were still active on that mess) when there's Facebook that's so much more private and convenient? (Let us not get into debating the issue of social networking sites, boon or bane? just now.)
HOW I ask you, HOW!?!! Life's mysteries, for sooth.
The word convenient. I pronounce it differently in my head, after I recently discovered it was spelled conVENient, and not conVINient, as I'd earlier believed, and that my motorola dictionary was not stupid as I'd earlier assumed.
Convenient. Fascinating word that, and a favourite.
Motorola sucks dude. No wonder these shooting pains down my arm have gotten so frequent (hmmm, what's that? Why yes, it IS my left arm. A heart attack you say?) I have the w375 (Yes, snazziest model ever. But it's a flip, and so I like.) and its frickin impossible to type anything on it. Nokia over Motorola any day.
I made up a new word. It's an insult: Ridiculouse. It is used to describe someone who is both ridiculous and a louse.
Usage: That Samir is such a ridiculouse. Not only does he have no respect for women, but he also comes to college wearing clown's clothes.
Now if that's not a useful word, I dont know what is.
It's funny how I dont swear here.
I do in real life.
Yes, this blog is an illusion.
I know it's like totally unfashionable to say this, but Im still crazy about Friends. Even my dad has graduated from saying "Ay, what is this I say? Bunch of lunatics! Switch the bloody tv off!" to guffawing loudly and calling me downstairs to watch it with him every evening at seven. Its a nice little ritual we have now.
I find I am very much like Monica.
Im very obsessed with recording things. I feel very unsettled when I havent documented something that's happened to me. Im so afraid of forgetting. And FnA's extremely pathetic memory scares me all the more. I dont want to look back and think what did I do with all that time. I have to know that I used it all properly. Im so afraid of forgetting.
I dont put my heart out here much, do I? Most blogs read do. Not their own hearts of course, but their publisher's.
I do not wail about lost and unreturned loves here because, erm, that is just really not me.
I do not complain about feeling like shit. Much.
I do not lament about how things are not going my way.
I guess it's because Im not much the drama queen types. And Im generally a happy person. And while that does not mean Im singing soprano to little yellow canary birds perched on my fingers all day, it does mean that Im generally content.
But that also means that when Im sad, it really hits me. And I do not post about it here, because, well I just dont.
There are things I worry about. Usually I feel on top of the world, and like I can do anything, like my life will be just the way I want it to be, like I can conquer anything. And there are times I feel like nothing is going my way and I dont post about it because, well because.
I havent been too confessional diary-type personal this past year. And those are really the best blogs to read. Perhaps I shall be in the coming year.
An Oshsay I wanted to document. What is it? Oshsay number 10? Ah yes. Number 9. Saved in a draft. Here:
Oshsays IX- February 08
1. Osh: My toe thumb is paining.
2. Osh: What? If you can have a toenail, you can have a toethumb.
3. Snumsay: What'd she call it? Big toe finger?
4: Osh: They're all toe fingers.
Another draft: Conversation in an auto. (Some non-intelligence saved for posterity)
Tam, me, Shar and Osh on Shar's lap.
Destination: Hellhole
Time: Vairy late for psych seminar in Main Audi.
Shar: Osh. Totally creasing my kurta. Totally.
Osh: Deal with it.
Shar: With Osh on my lap and creasing my kurta, there is hardly any room for my bag. No space for my bag here AT all. Keep it behind munch? Let's not forget it ok? Remember.
*quiet for two minutes.
Shar gazes outside.
We hear humming from that corner of the auto.
She stares randomly at a couple of motorists.
She complains bitterly about a couple of motorists staring at her.*
Five minutes later.
Shar: SHIT, did I bring a bag?
Tam: *gasp*haha uhyuahyuahu haha*gasp*
We got there and you shoulda SEEN what a wretch IndustrialFellow was being. Did not let us in. And when we finally sneaked in (Poor Jay was elsewhere and left out), AbnormalLady accosted us. "Giwe me yuur roll numburs." Silence.
Whereupon I gave breaknumber and worried for ages that she'd catch me.
And that is a day in the life of MM.
Back to Lagoose and her birthday gift. (Dont throw a fit, this isnt ALL you will be getting)
My goose, here is a collage of all the ugliest pictures we have ever taken, for you.
On your 21st (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!) birthday.
Enjoy! And I lurve you much!
I dont know what that brown square in the bottom right corner is all about. It wasnt there when I made the collage. We shall think of it as "The future", yes? :)
Ok collage not uploading. I shall try later. Know it is there, that's enough. :)